iTaxi is a free app, which let you order a cab ? the one you choose. Our app is in English, so you don?t have to know Polish to use it! We give you a fair guarantee. All our drivers are trustworthy, so you don?t need to worry about your wallet.
Our cabs are available through the app in the biggest cities in Poland: Warsaw, Cracow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Lodz, Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot.
Why should you choose iTaxi?
iTaxi is a good alternative for hired car and public transport. Simply, you can order a cab that fits you best. You decide about conditions of your ride and the amount of money you want to spend.
In our database we have a lot of cabs with different types and models of cars, different rates per kilometer and time of expectation. Which one do you need?
After each ride you can rate it by giving the appropriate number of stars. Moreover, you can add the driver to your list of favourite drivers. This will help you to find him next time when you visit Poland.
Fair guarantee
Being fair is the most important for our company. We offer you trustworthy drivers and checked cars. What is more, if you have doubts about the price of the ride, you can make a complain. Do you feel you have overpaid? Let us know about it: bok@itaxi.pl
How to order a cab
0. Downolad app: http://itaxi.pl/pobierz/
1. Choose the destination. Our app will automatically use your GPS location.
2. Choose the cab and press ?Order?.
3. You can follow your cab and even call the driver.
4. The driver will let you know when he arrives at his destination.
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